Saturday, September 7, 2013

WCO email admits no health effects!

Wind Concerns Ontario wants your money!

Below is an email that's being circulated among anti wind people in Ontario. Based on the email they're having a hard time proving any health effects caused by wind turbines.

So far Ontario has hosted numerous Environmental Review Tribunal hearings with anti groups trying to demonstrate health issues at virtually every one. They have yet to be successful.

By their own admission this tactic has been an abysmal failure, as there is no solid, scientific evidence of direct causal effect. They have yet to demonstrate to the tribunal that these "health effects" are caused by wind energy. However there are several recent studies that point to fear as a major cause of some of these complaints.

Now, instead of trying to prove they've been harmed they want to move to a different tactic where they only need to prove the POSSIBILITY of harm. Big difference.

"They are moving the legal fight from the ERT (environmental review tribunal) where it's necessary to prove serious harm to human health before turbines are built, to a courtroom where we have to prove the possibility of harm only."
The best scientific evidence indicates that anti-wind lobbyists raise health fears which increase significantly the number of people living near wind turbine farms who get stress-related illnesses due to noise-related annoyance.
  • 19 major  health reviews world wide all clear wind turbines of negative health impacts

  • Ailments are likely psychogenic in nature, not organic.

  • Studies finding negative health impacts are flawed and performed by biased researchers.

  • People are more annoyed by wind noise if they can see a wind turbine and aren’t getting any money from its operation.

  • People with negative attitudes to wind and negative personalities in general report many more symptoms than people with positive attitudes and personalities.

  • In many cases, symptoms of serious chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and sleep apnea are being falsely attributed to wind energy in large part due to anti-wind health campaigning.

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