Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Who's driving the wedge into rural Ontario?

This is too funny not to post. This was a comment exchange between myself, and Laura Griffin, a confirmed "wind warrior" (as she calls herself). The conversation took place in regards to the recent letter received by the LFP, "Letter threatens Ontario farmers with wind turbines on land".

So without further ado, I bring you a written conversation with Laura Griffin (Hesch).

"The anti-wind movement likes to tell everyone that the GEA is "driving a wedge into rural Ontario"? With the anti movement performing acts of vandalism, threats involving a firearm, and now threats against farmers, who is driving that wedge?
This is reprinted from one of the larger, anti web sites, with strong ties to Wind Concerns Ontario,
 "Editor’s note: As responsible law-abiding citizens, I have to say that we at ------- just really can’t condone this … type of …. ROFLOL! Okay! Stop! Stop! Stop! I can’t. I just can’t say it with a straight face. YOU GO PEOPLE! The time to fight back has long since come and gone. Once your elected representatives abandon the citizens of a province or country in favour of kickbacks and multi-billion dollar scams, it’s time to take matters into our own hands! A rousing HUZZAH to the perpetrators, if this was — in fact — sabotage! – DQ)"
So the people who run and support the anti movement apparently condone this type of behaviour."

Laura Griffins response;
"I happen to know the site to which you are referring and that comment was not related to this article. That site also does NOT have strong ties to WCO or any other anti-wind group.   That site is a "reference site" for news from around the world about the dangers of wind turbines and the detrimental effect they have on our environment, wildlife and humans.
Maybe it's you who needs to get your facts straight Mr. Lesko."

Yet, right there on her website, "We joined a local anti-turbine group."

Well, I took Loris advice and spent 5 minutes researching who owns the web site.....

"You state above that the web site IS NOT CONNECTED TO WCO?
Funny, you're the one listed as the registrant. In fact, here's the copy;
Registered through: Automattic
Registrant: Lori Griffin
Domain servers in listed order:

A littl more searching produced this,

"Lori Griffin on said:
We run the anti-wind blog from Port Elgin —
Thanks Lori and Paul"

"That site also does NOT have strong ties to WCO or any other anti-wind group." 
Laura Griffin

"We joined a local anti-turbine group."
Laura Griffin, Paul Kuster

(This couple started a anti-wind action web site, and joined a "local anti-turbine group", but those two entities aren't closely connected?)

So, what does this mean? For starters it clearly shows that some of the most vocal members involved in the anti-wind movement, are liars. Not the "opps, I made a mistake kind", but outright, in your face, no holds barred liars. But more significantly it shows that the antis are willing to do just about anything in order to get their way.

As a father of three I'm well aware of how children use tactics to manipulate and get what they want. I see the same skill set coming out of the anti movement. If they're willing to lie about who operates a web site, what can we expect from them regarding health or noise complaints?

Taken one step farther, almost ALL published studies that claim to show how wind energy is fraught with danger, have been produced by anti-wind advocates. Names like Lansink, Arimini and Nisenbaum are all card carrying members*. And they produce studies that fly in the face of real, peer reviewed science. How credible can any of the info be when we've already seen how the higher ups act? How credible can what they say be when Arimini is on record stating that he "already knows the outcome" of his study, more then 2 years in advance?

The anti movement is clearly using lies, threats and manipulation in order to hijack the process in Ontario. Through intimidation and "subversion in message of industry so that it effectively becomes so bad that no one wants to admit in public they are for it" they are driving a wedge into rural Ontario. And, like the children mentioned before, are trying to blame it on someone else.

*The term "card carrying member" is used as a figure of speech. To the best of my knowledge this group does not give out cards for membership, nor do they provide receipts for membership. If someone has evidence to the contrary.....send it my way.

1 comment:

  1. Get your facts straight Don. We are not card carrying members of Wind Concerns Ontario. As for a wedge, it's the majority of rural Ont. and the useful idiots in urban centres as to where the wedge is. All we're doing is pushing back against the corporate psychopaths such as yourself in the wind industry. The studies you cite are only in contrast to the so-called 17 studies the pro-wind side produced and was systematically debunked and destroyed. Can't blame us trying to at least level the playing field. Unlike your rhetoric , I can offer far more factual arguments that will hopefully spare your children and mine the oppressive bill still to come.
