We hope to raise many more signatures to deliver to Minister Kent before the final decision is made, expected in 9 months, to show him that there is strong opposition to the Ontario Power Generation plan. Today you can help us get to 10,000 signatures by asking 2 friends or family members to sign.
It defies common sense to bury the most toxic waste humans have ever created beside the Great Lakes, drinking water for 40 million people in two countries.
Please visit the web site for more information:
Together we can create an overwhelming wave of opposition to Ontario Power Generation's plan to bury radioactive nuclear waste in an underground dump approximately 400 metres from the Great Lakes and abandon it unmonitored for 100,000 years.
Stop The Great Lakes Nuclear Dump
Stop The Great Lakes Nuclear Dump Inc. is a non-profit organization comprised of ordinary Canadians who believe that the protection of the Great Lakes from buried radioactive nuclear waste is responsible stewardship, and is of national and international importance.
The Great Lakes were created by an ice age 12,000 years ago.
The Egyptian pyramids were created 4,500 years ago.
Christianity is 2,000 years old.
Some nuclear waste remains radioactive for 100,000 years.
The Great Lakes constitute 21% of the world’s fresh water.
The Great Lakes are the water source supporting 40 million people in 2 countries.
An underground nuclear waste dump approximately 400 metres from Lake Huron defies common sense.
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