can’t live without birds. Beyond being fascinating and beautiful, they play a
crucial role in keeping the world habitable for all life, including people.
They disperse seeds, pollinate plants, control insects, provide food and are
indicators of the overall health of ecosystems. They also create recreational
and economic opportunities, through the immense popularity of birdwatching.
So we should be concerned about the findings of the report, “State of the world’s
birds: indicators for our changing world”: One in eight – or 1,313 – species of
Earth’s birds is in danger of disappearing.
“The status of the world’s birds is deteriorating, with species slipping ever
faster towards extinction,” notes the assessment by Birdlife International, a global
partnership of conservation organizations. This represents rapid acceleration
of a troubling trend: 151 bird species are believed to have gone extinct
since 1500.
But the study, released at Birdlife International's 2013 Congress in Ottawa,
offers hope: “An annual investment of US$4 billion, used wisely, could improve
the status of all known threatened species and virtually halt human-driven
extinctions. A further US$76 billion could effectively protect and manage all
known sites of global conservation significance. These sums are insignificant
in comparison with both the size of the global economy (roughly US$70 trillion
per year) and an estimate of the total value of ecosystem services delivered by
nature each year (US$22–US$74 trillion).”
Many threatened birds are common species, including turtle doves, meadowlarks,
barn swallows and purple martins. In Canada, insectivores, grassland birds and
Arctic shorebirds have been declining rapidly since 1970, all because of human
activity. But conservation efforts, including regulating pesticides such as
DDT, have helped some raptor and waterfowl populations bounce back.
Sadly, we’re to blame for the current plight of birds. The report shows
industrial-scale agriculture, logging and invasive species are the gravest
immediate dangers. It also concludes climate change is an “emerging and
increasingly serious threat to species” and “often exacerbates existing threats.”
Among other problems, a warming planet changes migration and nesting schedules,
hindering birds’ ability to find insects to eat. It also damages habitat.
One solution for safeguarding bird populations is to ensure habitats critical
to their survival – known as Important Bird Areas, or IBAs – are protected,
through legislation if necessary. That doesn’t mean shutting out human
activity, just managing these areas in ways that allow birds to survive and
As the report shows, investing in conservation comes with benefits beyond
helping birds. The more than 12,000 IBAs identified worldwide offer valuable ecosystem services, such as regulating climate
and air quality, purifying water and preventing floods, maintaining genetic
diversity, providing food and medicines and creating recreation and tourism
Education is another component of protecting birds and all threatened plants
and animals. As we better understand our connection to nature, the importance
of biodiversity and the value of services healthy ecosystems provide, we’ll
make conservation and biodiversity higher priorities in our decision-making,
which will lead to wiser development.
While the BirdLife study identifies climate change as a major threat, it also
notes the challenge in balancing environmental factors in energy-project
development. Critics oppose wind power because of potential harm to birds,
but bird deaths from windmills are minimal
compared to those caused by fossil fuels, climate change, pesticides, highrise
buildings, automobile collisions and house cats. A National University of Singapore study shows
fossil fuel power generation kills 17 times as many birds per gigawatt-hour of
electricity as wind power. And wind farm problems can be overcome with proper
siting and improved design. In the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway, an important
area for birds migrating between Eurasia and Africa, BirdLife developed
research materials and a web-based tool to map flight patterns and identify
places where wind installations should be avoided to keep birds safer.
Plummeting bird populations reflect the state of the global environment – but
it’s not too late to do something. As Leon Bennun, BirdLife’s director of
science, information and policy, says, “Effective nature conservation is
affordable and it works. It’s time to make it happen. The result will be a
world that is in every way wealthier and healthier – and that remains diverse
and beautiful too.”
We need birds. Let’s do all we can to avert an extinction catastrophe.
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