Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Conservative led Ontario?

Coal Conerns – Tim Hudak

Have you ever asked yourself why Tim Hudak wants to kill green energy? Why Tim Hudak wants to put the thousands of people who work in green industries out of work? Why Hudak wants to kill green energy jobs? For a guy who talks a big game about his desire for jobs – calling for them to be killed seems like a giant contradiction. What could make Hudak contradict himself like this?
Tim Hudak's Pro-Coal Website
Tim Hudak's Pro-Coal Website

Asking ourselves this question we searched the internet to find out why. And what we found was, well, jaw dropping.
We’ve all read Ontario Conservative MPP Bob Baily is demanding coal plants stay open. But, the following is from Ontario Conservative MPP Toby Barrett’s website.
You can’t make this sh*t up.

“Are carbon capture and storage in our future?”
  • Barrett is selling a mythical techonlogy that doesn’t work? Carbon Capture is like     putting a filter on a cigarette – it still kills you.
“Climate change is upon us we are told – although it is something we’ve been hearing since 1953.”
  •  Is Barrett denying climate change? We know that Hudak’s candidate in Kitchener-    Waterloo was on the record denying climate change during the election.
“Carbon capture announcement underlines opportunity at Nanticoke”
“Federal carbon plan may finally awaken province to potential of sequestration”
  •  More carbon capture BS.
“Keep the coal-fires burning”
“Rushing to close coal plants is not the answer”
“Nanticoke coal plant is too essential to shut down”
“Coal plants must be kept running beyond next year”
“Clean coal”
  • Barrett openly calls for coal plants to stay open.
Tim Hudak and Toby Barrett are the type of politicians that keep coal lobby busy with their big steak, old boys, cigar filled meetings. It’s no wonder these anti-green energy old boys are pushing coal.
Tim Hudak Wants Ontario's Energy To Come From Dirty Coal
Tim Hudak Wants Ontario's Energy To Come From Dirty Coal

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